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Helping organizations 
help wildlife

The wildlife trade challenge 

Exploitation and trade cause immense suffering for millions of animals across Asia. Sanctuaries and Rescue Centers (SARCs) are on the front lines of conservation and welfare when combatting illegal wildlife trade. SARCs provide immediate refuge and treatment, rehabilitation, long-term care, or the chance to release rescued wildlife back to their native habitats. To do all this work for animals, they also need support to be sustainable within their organizations to secure funding, deliver education programs, and support their staff development.


A Member-led Initiative

The Asia for Animals Sanctuaries and Rescue Centers Coalition (SARCC) is a member-led working group connecting people and organizations across Asia by actively fostering connection, facilitating networking, and sharing resources, insight and experience.


This working group:

  • is a central contact and directional point for SARCs and wildlife rescue organizations in Asia;

  • actively fosters connection, facilitates networking, identify opportunities and shares resources, insight and experience for solutions to animal welfare challenges;

  • maintains a bird’s eye view of SARCs, their activities, emerging trends affecting SARCs across Asia;

  • provides capacity support to SARCs;

  • works collectively to fill knowledge or program gaps.


Indonesia Rescue Center Network

In association with SARC Working Group Members, we have initiated a project to create an independent Indonesia Rescue Center Network

  • SARCC team will help build consensus across Indonesia for how a network can work and support SARCs across Indonesia

  • We will also identify priority actions for the network once independent - from organizational development, government cooperation or animal welfare and rehabilitation


Capacity Enhancement Support

Need a helping hand to grow your organization? Need direction to resources or grant opportunities?  At SARCC, we can help direct you to free resources,  support or contacts  for your wildlife and organizational challenges

  • We collaborate with capacity enhancement experts to find resources, and guide organizations through capacity programs to address organizational challenges to help foster strong and resilient organizations to continue in their missions to help wildlife

  • Areas of support could include: strategic development, fundraising, grant applications, organizational sustainability, animal welfare


SARCC Mapping

SARCC was created out of numerous requests that AfA received from animal advocacy organizations worldwide needing to understand the wildlife rescue space across Asia.



  • SARCC maintains a mapping project on sanctuaries, rescue centers,  regional and national networks and other associated organizations and their work

  • This project also helps identify the challenges facing SARCs in Asia and finds solutions

  • The development of a specific SARC network for Indonesia was born out of this mapping project

  • Contact us to request access to the database


At SARCC, we can help direct you to free resources and support on your wildlife and organizational challenges. Contact us at any time for one-on-one support sessions! 

Grant and award opportunities for wildlife SARCs in Asia
Technical resources: husbandry guidelines, enclosure design, medical protocols, enrichment, and wekfare learning programs
Bibliography: publications related to wildlife sanctuaries and rescue centers in Asia
Organizational resources: strategic planning, MEL, fundraising for running a sustainable and effective animal protection organizations

Did you know?

We have identified almost 200 NGO wildlife rescue facilities across Asia. Our ongoing mapping project maintains a list of organizations working to support wildlife rescue and helps identify priority areas on challenges facing the wildlife rescue community. Contact us to access this database.

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Understanding rescue challenges in Asia

At SARCC we understand that rescuing wildlife and running an organization in Asia can be challenging. 


We acknowledge sanctuaries and rescue centers across Asia:

  • operate in a wide variety of cultural backgrounds; 

  • operate in various political and governmental regulatory spaces;

  • have multifaceted missions from providing life-long care of individual animals to conservation programs; 

  • are engaged in a wide variety of activities such as education programs and community engagement; 

  • have different levels of financial, and human resources available to them. 


Please read the We Acknowledge, We Encourage document for AfA SARCC's beliefs on various challenging issues.

Are you interested in joining SARCC?

Join the Asia for Animals Network for FREE

For more information about SARCC, please contact Lead Coordinator, Elliot Carr at

SARCC Member Organizations

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