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AfA opposes squalid conditions of travelling Zoo in Japan

Coalition unites to implore officials to revoke Zoo license of cruel owner Mr. Horii

Yoshinori Horii, the Director and Owner of Horii Zoo (originally a travelling petting zoo) opened Meccha Zoo in 2015 which has consequently closed in early 2019 as a result of international concern regarding the shocking animal welfare standards.

Whilst AfA is pleased that Meccha Zoo has closed, we remain extremely concerned for the 1500 animals (including bears and other exotic species) that continue to be owned by Mr. Horri, being held on two separate farms, Moriyama and Yasu farm. The conditions reported are completely unacceptable. While the Administration of Shiga has made guidance to improve management within these facilities, we remain deeply concerned that not enough is being done by the relevant authorities.

We understand that through national pressure by the Japanese charity PEACE, Mr. Horri has been given plenty of opportunity to improve their conditions, but has still done nothing of significant change, and continues to purchase more animals to his collection.

Mr.Horii was convicted of a fine in December 2018, for violation of the Act on Welfare and Management of Animals, however, he has now appealed to the Osaka High Court, and the appeal was heard a few days ago at the end of April 2019.

So now, our coalition has once again come together to appeal to the Governor of Shiga to urge him NOT to allow Mr. Horii to have a license to keep animals for private or business reasons. It is very clear that he and his company have no idea about good animal welfare practices, in spite of receiving much advice on this.

Read our letter in full HERE


Sign the petition by Japanese NGO PEACE and join thousands of others speaking up for these 1500 animals


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