Contributed by Lin Mei-Yin, Association for Coexistence with Macaca cyclopis
*warning - this article contains potentially distressing images*

台灣獼猴(Macaca cyclopis)為台灣的特有物種,在台灣是除了人類以外唯一的靈長目動物(Primates)。但隨著人類不斷的開發,人類與獼猴接觸的機會就越來越頻繁,獼猴與人類的活動範圍重疊度也越來越高,在這樣的情況下獼猴與農民、遊客之間人猴衝突的相關報導層出不窮,如:農作物遭破壞、猴子闖入民宅、食物被搶奪…等,以致大多數民眾產生錯誤認知連結,建構出台灣獼猴為窮凶惡極、強取豪奪異常頑劣等印象,加上獼猴科普教育(Science education)的不足,民眾不理解獼猴的行為表情,導致形成負面循環,人猴衝突雪上加霜。
Formosan macaque (Macaca cyclopis) is endemic to Taiwan and the only primate other than humans on this island. However, with continuous environmental developments, the opportunities for humans to come into contact with macaques have become more frequent, with more overlapping activity areas between macaques and humans. Under such circumstances, the media reporting conflicts between humans and macaques have not ceased. Relevant reports such as crops being destroyed, monkeys breaking into houses, food being robbed etc. Stories like these have led the majority of citizens to misperceptions and left the impression that monkeys are extremely vicious, ravenous, and violent. In addition to insufficient science education, people do not understand the behaviors and expressions of macaques, resulting in a negative cycle which makes conflicts between humans and monkeys even worse.

In January 2018, macaques were officially downgraded to general animals. Some people mistakenly believed that macaques could be hunted and kept as pets privately. In the past three years, there have been over 155 witnessing reports of pet macaques. A few NGOs that are concerned about Formosan macaques held a conference jointly with field surveys of pet macaques across Taiwan in the year 2021, which prompted the relevant government agencies to formally legislate in October 2022, and ban people from raising the indigenous monkeys, Formosan macaques, as pets.

Formosan macaques have been stigmatized and treated unfairly in Taiwan. In addition to misunderstanding of macaques by the public, the media often stains macaques in exaggerated reports and news, in order to attract larger audiences. In some scenic areas where macaques live, area management often chooses to use paint guns to get the macaques away. Climbers in the mountains sometimes bring their own hiking poles, sticks and umbrellas during their hikes to force macaques to stay away from them and their food. There were also macaques found with broken arms or legs after being trapped in the steel-jaw traps.
Formosan macaques have been stigmatized and treated unfairly in Taiwan. In addition to misunderstanding of macaques by the public, the media often stains macaques in exaggerated reports and news, in order to attract larger audiences. In some scenic areas where macaques live, area management often chooses to use paint guns to get the macaques away. Climbers in the mountains sometimes bring their own hiking poles, sticks and umbrellas during their hikes to force macaques to stay away from them and their food. There were also macaques found with broken arms or legs after being trapped in the steel-jaw traps.